NaNoWriMo VP 6 – some thoughts on getting it there

Now that we have talked about lots of material things and places to put them the next question is how do we move all those things about. So we need to talk a bit here about modes of transportation and how we can learn more about them. Depending on your period and locale, your characters … More NaNoWriMo VP 6 – some thoughts on getting it there

NaNoWriMo VP 3 – What’s In Its Pocketses, Part 2, FANTASY and Sword and Board.

Shifting temporal gears here, medieval fantasy novelists, friends, you are also not immune. As someone who spent two years in the company of hard core Renn Faire artists and LARPers, let me assure you should really do some research into what your characters are carrying. Take it from me, you absolutely cannot swing a broadsword … More NaNoWriMo VP 3 – What’s In Its Pocketses, Part 2, FANTASY and Sword and Board.

NaNoWriMo VP 2 – What’s In Its Pocketses, Part 1

So to begin with item one, in a rather famous dark cave a short little hobbit with hairy feet whilst riddling for his life once asked a seeming little monster with throat issues, “What’s in my pocket?” Okay, as a riddle this was unfair, and frankly Gollum should have called the sneaky, feelthy hobbit on … More NaNoWriMo VP 2 – What’s In Its Pocketses, Part 1

Things I learned doing my FIRST zoom interview/lecture

So yes, folks, I did my FIRST zoom interview/lecture as a creative writer. For clarity this was not a job interview but a “TV” interview. It is going to be uploaded into the cloud for an educational series. So, okay then, the first things I did were things I always do. I considered the topic … More Things I learned doing my FIRST zoom interview/lecture