NaNoWriMo – Prepping: T minus 1

Today, I am prepping to begin my NaNoWriMo experience.

For me that means doing the following things…

  • do my grocery shopping/house shopping/pet shopping for the week and doing as many house chores as I can
  • buy my last minute supplies
  • putting out my supplies – I still write on paper with pens and use real books for reference materials as well as the internet. I will also be putting out my chalkboard and fresh chalk.
  • putting my most comfortable clothing in the front of the closet.
  • putting two flats of water and my nonperishable snacks in my writing area.
  • turning OFF all my social media using an app that will lock me out. I plan to use a 6 day blocking system. I have apps for my PC, phone and tablet.
  • telling my friends and family that I am doing this and that I will not be readily available for thirty days and why. I will be doing my best to explain this clearly, and explaining that it is not a punishment, or me being antisocial, but merely a part of my profession and something I need to do for myself.
  • I will be trying to work 6 days a week and will use my rest day to REST. I plan to cook my week’s worth of meals that day, sleep in, do emails and social media, exercise, watch TV/Movies, and do anything but write.

    So that is my starting plan but I shall remember two proverbs:::

    Military (attributed to Patton) “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”
    Spanish “If you would make God laugh, tell him your plans”

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